15 Healthy Smoothie Recipes You’ll Want to Drink Every Day

Short while? Looking for a way to get more nutrients into your day? These healthy smoothie recipes are the perfect solution! 


Smoothies are a great way to get a nutrient-rich meal! They are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. But unfortunately, not all smoothies are created equal.

It can be very easy for the sugar content to reach 50 grams in one smoothie. That sugar can come from whole foods like fruit or even from added sugars. As a result, a spike in blood sugar occurs, which will leave most of us feeling less than our best overall. It either causes a drop in energy or makes you hungry right after drinking it.

Healthy smoothie recipes contain protein, starchy carbs, non-starchy carbs (such as vegetables), and nutritious fats. To do this, you use what I call the Five Fundamentals.

A Foundational Five Nourish meal is a meal that contains all 5 elements within the Foundational Five formula. This includes non-starchy carbohydrates, starchy and sugary carbohydrates, fat, protein, and flavor factor. If you are not yet familiar with my Foundational Five system, you can download my free guide where I share more about it. 

Following this simple model, food remains flexible, fun and nutritious. Our five essential nutritious foods can be found as smoothies or smoothie bowls, yogurt, oatmeal bowls or breakfast bowls, nutritious bowls, salads, soups, stews and many more.

All of the healthy smoothie recipes below contain these components to make sure each one is packed with the nutrients you need to feel your best! 


You can prepare them as smoothies or bowls. If you're making them as a bowl, be sure to try my Smoothie Bowl Sprinkle for a crunchy topper! 

Pink beetroot and almond butter smoothie 

If you're a fan of beets, you'll love this different way of including them in your weekly meal plan. Beets are great to incorporate into our diets for their anti-inflammatory and detoxifying benefits. They have also been shown to lower high blood pressure and improve both digestive health and athletic performance.

Strawberry and banana smoothie 

I don't know why this classic banana and strawberry combo is so good, but these two flavors go so well together. What makes this particular smoothie more nutritious are all the antioxidants! It is rich in phytonutrients such as anthocyanins, tannins, flavonols, resveratrol, ellagic acid and catechins only from strawberries.

Warm pumpkin and spice smoothie 

Hot spices include anything from fresh ginger and ground cinnamon, to black pepper, cayenne, garlic, and horseradish. You can easily add these spices to any of your savory or sweet dishes, such as soups, sauces, stir-fries, omelettes, or a smoothie like this one. The great thing about this smoothie recipe is that it's also high in pumpkin fiber! 

Strawberry blueberry kefir smoothie for gut health 

This smoothie contains all the whole food ingredients that support your digestive health! From kefir (which is a fermented probiotic drink) and yogurt, to flax seeds, ground beans and berries. You can thank these ingredients for the incredible fiber and antioxidant content of this smoothie! 

Strawberry And Ginger Smoothie 

If you are not a fan of super sweet smoothies, this is for you. The addition of ginger in this healthy smoothie recipe balances the sweetness of the strawberries. It's also a great way to give your usual strawberry milkshake a little change! 

Spinach smoothie in 5 minutes 

Spinach is rich in iron, calcium, vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C and fiber. It is a great food to eat every day! 

I'm not only sharing one of my favorite spinach smoothie recipes, but I'm also providing you with a template for mixing and matching all the ingredients. That way you can have slight variations of this smoothie all summer long! 

The stripped green smoothie 

The Stripped Green Smoothie is simply a high quality green smoothie that's packed with nutrients and easy to digest. It is made simply from organic raw vegetables, greens and fruits. You can be very creative using any vegetables and fruits you have in season! 

Crispy banana and blueberry smoothie bowl 

This banana and blueberry crunchy smoothie bowl is packed with antioxidants! You have to thank the blueberries and the crunchy homemade granola. You may not see it and you will not taste it, but this healthy smoothie recipe is also packed with vegetables!

 Mango and matcha smoothie 

Green tea, especially matcha, offers a delicate and subtle charge of energy. It contains caffeine, but not as much as coffee, which makes it a great alternative for people who are sensitive to caffeine. Just as you can enjoy matcha in a frothy latte in the morning, it can also be used in your morning smoothie.

This combines the best of both worlds for a quick, nutritious breakfast to take with you! 

Creamy ginger smoothie 

This is my favorite spring smoothie when I want something filling, but also "light" for my digestion. It also helps keep my energy levels high when I'm out and about writing or recording content.

Lemon juice and added ginger are great for digestion. Plus, all of those healthy fats in avocado will make you feel full, keep your hormones in balance, and keep your skin glowing.

green beauty smoothie 

This smoothie is packed with vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and antioxidants. More specifically, the ones I turn to for excellent skin, hair and nail health in my daily routine. Not only are you nourishing your skin on a cellular level with this smoothie, it's also easy to make and tastes amazing! 

Coconut Berry Smoothie 

This smoothie will make you feel like you are in a tropical resort! Coconut is the star of this recipe and gives the smoothie plenty of healthy fat, fiber and flavor. Strawberry cake smoothie 

This smoothie tastes so good it could be a dessert! Healthy fats, fiber and antioxidants make it a nutritious option for any time of day.

Chocolate banana and peanut butter smoothie 

This classic flavor combo is super satisfying and beyond just mixing! 

Chances are you already have all of these pantry staples on hand, so you can enjoy this simple banana and peanut butter smoothie whenever you feel like it. Three Berries Smoothie 

This is one of my favorite flavor smoothies! It's sweet from bananas, spicy from raspberries, and the texture is thick and smooth! Not to mention that this smoothie is very kid-friendly! Anyone who objects to adding "veggies" to their drinks will love it. You can't even taste it here! 


The fun part of healthy eating is finding new foods and recipes you love that make eating nutrient-rich meals easy and fun. So which of these healthy smoothie recipes will you try next time? Pick one to do this week and see if you find a new favorite! 

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