Drape Your Holiday Bird in This Two-Ingredient Sauce

Sometimes the sauce just doesn't have it. Serve this simple butter sauce instead. Steaks are often finished with compound butter, but poultry deserves a special butter of its own. After the festive bird is sliced ​​and plated, it stands on its own - left to speak for itself, relying on what is hoped to be a fantastic method of preparation. As an offering that complements (or salvages) every version of the bird out there, serve your guests a bird topped with fried sage and browned salted butter, an ultra-simple finishing sauce packed with flavor.

Salsa may be delicious, but not everyone likes thick, sticky salsa. On the cook's side, it can go bad easily and can sometimes lack flavor. Plus, there's all that beating, and roasting, and waiting for the pan to drip. I'm tired already. This Fried Sage Butter Dip is quick to make and tremendously flavorful. The sage is aromatic but softer than a raw twig and the browned butter is in a league of its own. It's nutty, with roasted flavors combined with almost caramelized tones, and of course, it's still salty butter. You can prepare it days in advance and it has such a pronounced flavor that each serving only needs a teaspoon. If you're concerned about how dry your turkey or chicken might be after cooking, this butter sauce is an easy way to drizzle it with some moisture just before serving. As a bonus, it's also good cold as a spreadable option for sandwiches (which is a great plus point considering cold sauce makes me feel insecure, at best).

Start by melting and browning a stick of salted butter in a small saucepan or pot over medium heat. If you only have unsalted butter, it's perfectly acceptable to add ¼ - ½ teaspoon salt at the end. The butter will be pale yellow as it bubbles and bubbles, and you'll start to see the milk solids settle to the bottom of the pot. Shake or stir occasionally. When you start to notice the foam take on a light brown hue, add a handful of fresh sage leaves. Add the sage, so that each leaf begins to fry evenly. Turn them as needed to make sure they're thoroughly fried, about a minute or two. Remove the pan from the heat. The wise will curl up and feel fragile. Don't worry if they break; that's the plan anyway. The butter browns in about five to seven minutes, and the sage sizzles in one to two minutes; giving you a 95% finished sauce in less than 10 minutes. Not bad.

At this point, you have options. You can pour this butter into a serving dish and keep the sage in whole or almost whole pieces. If you want more sage dressing on each spoonful, but like the idea of ​​seeing recognizable bits of sage, hand-crack the fried sage with a spoon into a measuring cup or small bowl and serve. For maximum coverage in each spoonful, allow the butter to cool for 5 to 10 minutes. Pour the butter sauce into a measuring cup and use a hand blender to pulse three or four times. It will be enough to break the sage into small pieces. This is my favorite presentation because I like the bits of sage to scatter into all the crevices of my roast. Pour over the roast slices and serve.

The rest of the sauce can be poured into a small jar and put on the table as a condiment for guests to pour into dishes as desired. This sauce is absolutely crazy with turkey, chicken, duck, or any other poultry you're working with, but I'd be irresponsible if I didn't mention how great it is with beef and pork, too. In addition to the meats, definitely consider tossing the roasted squash once it comes out of the oven. This recipe can be doubled or tripled. One stick of butter will make nearly half a cup of butter sauce. Store the remaining sauce, covered, in the refrigerator for up to a month.

Fried sage in browned salted butter 


  • 1 stick of salted butter 
  • a handful of sage leaves (about 20-30) 

Cut a stick of butter into small pieces and place in a medium saucepan or pot. Melt the butter over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Let the butter continue to cook until it begins to brown. Add the sage leaves to the butter and stir for a minute or two, until all of the sage is crisp and crunchy. Remove the pan from the heat and let it sit for five to ten minutes. Break the sage into small to medium pieces, as you like. Top meats, mix with vegetables, or serve as a condiment alongside food in a small bowl or jar. 

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