5 Things I Wish I Knew About Travel

1. Someone once told me that traveling generates transformation. 

It only rang true because I was recently on a ferry from Croatia to Italy and was on the verge of the creepiest place in my life. It sounds strange, and if I paint you a picture, you might think I'm crazy. The sun was setting. Just a sailboat on the horizon. Bluer water than a Corona spot. But what was really happening inside me was anxiety, overwhelm and uncertainty. Then the other half of me was completely filled with shame, guilt and judgment for not enjoying that sight "with all my heart".

Those words changed my perspective on travel. Until then, I always put travel attachments. I thought it would bring me: happiness, joy, freedom, abundance and spontaneity. When it didn't meet those expectations, I was disappointed, angry, upset and disappointed. And then on trial with myself to contain those emotions. When I learned to let go of attachments. And welcome the transformation, growth and opportunities it has brought. Everything started to change.

The journey brings transformation. And even life itself. Welcome. And you'd be surprised what happens.

2. Free travel is no trick.

When I met Travis Sherry at an entrepreneur book presentation in New York in 2013, we hit it off like old friends. Travis is an amazing guy and has made a life and a career traveling with his loving partner. He doesn't get much cooler than that. Travis shared with me some simple tips on how to use credit card signup bonuses to travel and get free travel (in the form of 30,000, 40,000 and 50,000 free airline miles) from multiple airlines. I used these tips, worked with these credit cards, and ended up covering a full return ticket to Anguilla, $ 450 off my ticket from Nicaragua with Under30Experiences, and a one-way trip from California (which I still I regret and judge totally). everyday). ). Travis is a great friend and solid resource for making travel easy and affordable and for finding ways to live and work from anywhere in the world. If you are thinking of traveling to national parks, check out my friends' guide to national parks.

3. Traveling is not always better than being at home.

I was in Italy riding my bike near the flor da mince. (Okay, I'm not entirely sure it was the name, but the last part sounded very similar.) It was beautiful and I was with a friend I had met through Marcella, author and entrepreneur from Nicaragua. We were talking about our homes and their beauty. For him. Italy. This bike path. this river. It was normal. The castle less than five minutes from his yard was but a part of his city. For me it was exotic. I was having an adventure. And I felt like I was exploring places I never dreamed of seeing.

When my friend saw the excitement in me, he changed his perspective on his hometown. I've never seen this through an expat's eye before. From that moment on she changed his entire view of his surroundings. Sometimes, when we get so used to seeing something, we often overlook the beauty that surrounds us.

I promised myself that after that bike ride, when I got home, I would make everyday life feel like an adventure. Regardless of whether it was a "new" place or not. My dog ​​helped me keep my word.

4. Every day I look around and wonder who are the people I meet

if their thoughts, ideas, opinions have ever changed or how long they have been around. I wonder if people's thoughts sometimes stop evolving, if and when their lifestyles remain stagnant.

When we get stuck in a routine and days turn weeks and weeks into months, it's easy to get bogged down in the sadness and monotony of our sometimes "less than ecstatic" world that we have created for ourselves. When you step off a plane, ship, or somewhere in new territory for the first time, your body and mind are doing something they don't do anywhere else.

He opens up more than ever in his entire life. It always happens to me, and I wonder if it will ever end. I am starting to think "no" and I realize that it is only part of the game, what we like as living and traveling. When you get out of that plane and take those first breaths of air in a whole new place and your eyes, your ears and all your emotions and senses take in your surroundings.

You have changed forever. Your mind can no longer go back to the box it called home and in which it resided. You are expanded. All time. When you first taste an ounce of this expansion, you will realize the power of how a new environment opens your eyes, mind and heart; and create a new world for yourself, simply by expanding: physically, mentally and spiritually. 

5. The Internet, phones, social networks are constantly flooded with news and information about what we want to dive into.

This can be good. And also bad. It can be very overwhelming to see what's out there and understand who to trust or which resources are accurate.

As I tried to navigate the realm on my own, it seemed true that when "the student is ready, the teacher appears". The key is to be open about who / where / how this teacher might be.

Sometimes it comes in the books. Other times in people. Sometimes it can be the sign next to you that you've passed a dozen times and haven't even noticed it. Whatever it is, be open to receiving. At all times we walk around with a question. The answer always awaits us. It is just a matter of knowing if we are open enough to perceive it. I have been grateful for the community of friends and people who have come into my life and have provided me with just what I need to take me to the next stage I am headed for.

Travis was one of those people who increased my ability to travel, as did Marcella and Matt. One trip soon turned into three and three soon became a way of life. It is no longer a question of “traveling” or not this year or this month, but that's where it started. Make a conscious effort to want to grow, expand and explore. Everyone has their own reasons for traveling. Back then, those were mine. In this moment, teaching, contributing and learning seems to be my vocation and the forces that push me to new places in the world. Whatever its reason or cause. If you have a wish. Follow him. That's your body and soul, calling you. listen to it

As you embark on adventures, be sure to seek out resources that can help you get there. The 80/20 rule still applies, for example: if you put 20% of your hard work into it now (learning about travel hacks, talking to people, and working hard to be clear about what you are looking for) you make 80% 'life on easy way '. Traveling will never be what you expect it to be. And that's the beauty of it. You can't be sure what kind of transformation or growth it will bring, but you can be sure it will be something special and definitely change your life. It's worth checking out these resources Travis has put together for you, as well as visiting Under30Experiences.com to whet your appetite and see what adventures await you ... 

Can't wait to cross paths at some point and if ever you are insecure, overwhelmed or just plain confused when it comes to travel. Feel free to get in touch. Behind you is a community of ambitious like-minded people who want to see you explore, expand, and seize the opportunities and journeys that will help you achieve it.

Kevin Diamond is an entrepreneur, website designer and educator. He lectures and conducts seminars for young and young entrepreneurs, enabling them to take their power and design the lifestyle and business of their dreams. He runs a digital marketing agency and designs websites at diamondesignstudio.com and is the founder of Squirr3l, an entrepreneur's platform.

It can be found on kevinjdiamond.com experiencing a #LaptopLifestyle and continue to work remotely and globally from parts of the world off the beaten track. He has a passion for the beach and an unhealthy obsession with New Girl, reading and candles. He currently conducts seminars on the growth and development of the entrepreneurial mindset and teaches a variety of design courses both online and offline, internationally.

She loves collaborating with digital entrepreneurs and growing businesses and Internet marketing lifestyles that combine work and play.

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