Do these 3 workouts to avoid gaining weight while traveling

 I don't know about you, but when I travel it can sometimes be quite difficult to find a gym and time to get enough exercise.

One of the main reasons I get in the habit of doing these exercises is that these specific types of skipping rope bodyweight exercises are the most effective way to avoid gaining excess body weight (especially body fat). during the trip. .

In an average 15-minute workout, you'll burn around 250 calories, but due to something called EPOC (excess oxygen consumption after exercise), you'll continue to burn calories long after you've completed your workout. So the total calories actually burned from that workout are more like 400 calories.

BUT, in addition to calories and body fat, there are hidden benefits that provide an even greater return on investment. Let's tell the truth. Traveling can be very stressful. So to maintain a consistently happy state of being, we need to do something to balance the scales.

A few HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts per week can be that equalizer. Research tells us that including a few short, high-intensity workouts in your weekly schedule can significantly reduce stress and increase happiness.

But you probably know, right? I'm just here to give you an extra boost and share some specific workouts to make sure you maintain this habit when on the go.

Here is a series of examples of HIIT jump rope exercises that I recommend working into your routine on the go.

Workout # 1

Workout # 2

Workout # 3

 Now that you're equipped with some strategic exercises to include in your on-the-go routine, I want to invite you to try them the next time you're on the go and don't have access to a gym.

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