The Best Apps to Have in an Emergency

Download these apps now. Most emergencies don't come with advance warning, so it's best to do some basic preparation in advance. You can search for extremely specific emergency tips and create an "If I get lost" file, but don't forget the one useful life-saving tool you always have with you: your phone. Here are seven essential tips for apps to download in an emergency.

An offline messaging app 

Internet connectivity is often interrupted during severe emergencies. To avoid this, it's a good idea to download some offline messaging apps. Instead of relying on a cell phone signal, most of these apps use Bluetooth or Wi-Fi to find people around you. If others have the same app installed and are within 150-300 feet of your current location, you can send them a message.

Contact people around you 

If the internet stays on, you can try Zello, a walkie-talkie app that lets you talk to people via cellphone or Wi-Fi. . While it's a useful tool for emergencies, the app won't work if Zello's servers are down. Receive emergency alerts in real time 

The US Government's Department of Homeland Security Emergency Response Agency, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), has a helpful app that alerts you to emergencies anywhere in the country.

The FEMA app allows you to choose a location and select the types of emergencies you want to be notified about, including natural disasters, evacuations and other hazards, and contains information for dealing with various types of emergencies.

App to teach you some first aid 

If you are facing a health emergency, the American Red Cross first aid app, available for iPhone and Android, will help you. It has easy-to-follow first aid instructions for various medical emergencies, as well as links to additional resources and information about nearby hospitals.

An app for your pets 

Contains instructions on how to treat veterinary emergencies, including first aid and links to nearby veterinary hospitals. Pet First Aid has interactive quizzes that make it easy to learn what to do when your pet is in danger so you can react accordingly if something happens.

Location sharing apps make it easy for people to find you 

When you need to contact emergency responders, you can use various apps to share your location with them - especially useful if you live in a neighborhood with confusing signs or unusual numbering patterns.

Don't forget the SOS functions built into your phone 

Smartphones come with many built-in SOS functions, so take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with them. You never know when they will come in handy.

If you are using an Android phone, here is a good trick to create an SOS alert on your phone. 

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