No decision about Sir Gavin Williamson's future until bullying probe ends, says PM

Screenshots leaked in the Sunday Times appear to show swearing-laden messages from the government minister, including a warning that "everything has a price".

Rishi Sunak says it is "right" that an independent investigation into the complaints of bullying allegations once again made by Sir Gavin Williamson be conducted "before any decision on the future is made". Sir Gavin, cabinet minister and former education secretary, allegedly sent abusive text messages to Wendy Morton, the former whip boss, complaining that he and other colleagues were banned from the queen's funeral for political reasons.

Speaking from COP27 in Egypt, Sunak, the prime minister, said he was "very clear that the language is incorrect [and] unacceptable," adding, "That's why I appreciate Gavin Williamson's regret over this ." "

Asked why he kept Sir Gavin on his main team despite condemning his actions, Sunak reiterated that the party was conducting an independent investigation. Earlier, the prime minister's official spokesperson said Sunak appreciated Sir Gavin "who expressed regret" for the messages sent to his colleague and that he adopted a zero-tolerance approach to bullying within the government.

Asked whether Sunak has full confidence in former Defense Secretary Sir Gavin, the spokesman replied: "Yes". 

He added that Sunak believes Sir Gavin has an "important contribution" to make to the government. Sunak is under pressure to bring Sir Gavin back to the government.

The spokesman said at the time that Sunak "knew there was a disagreement" but was unaware of the "substance" of the messages. 'Heat of the moment' 

Mr. Dowden added that Sir Gavin "regrets the language he used" and also suggested that a number of people had a "difficult relationship" with Ms Morton. Fortunately, we are now in a better place as a party, "she said. Labor has called for an "urgent independent investigation" into Sir Gavin's appointment, with shadow climate secretary Ed Miliband warning against a "cover-up" of the allegations.

Speaking with Sophy Ridge, Miliband said the affair "really questions Rishi Sunak's judgment and how he made decisions about his cabinet," adding that Sir Gavin's re-election "was not in the public interest" . We can't cover, we can't cover this," he said. "What did Rishi Sunak know? When did he know? 

'Not fit for work' 

Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer said Sir Gavin is "clearly unsuitable" for the job, calling his appointment a sign of how "weak" Sunak is.

"I think the prime minister has people who are clearly not suited to work around the cabinet table," he said. Screenshots leaked in the Sunday Times appear to show swearing-laden messages from the South Staffordshire MP, including a warning that "everything has a price".

Another message reads "Think hard about how the underprivileged [private counselors] were excluded from the funeral." A source confirmed to Sky News that the content of the messages was accurate.

Sir Jake Berry, a former Conservative Party chairman, said he told Sounak that a bullying complaint had been filed against Sir Gavin a day before he entered number 10. Sir Gavin was contacted for comment.

The Sunday Times quoted the cabinet minister as saying: "I am, of course, sorry to be frustrated with the way my colleagues and I felt we were being treated. I am happy to speak with Wendy and look forward to working positively with her in the future, as I have done in the past. " 

Deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats, Daisy Cooper, accused Sunak of ignoring the complaint and called for the sacking of Sir Gavin.

George Eustice, the former Tory environment secretary, described the incident as "a storm in a cup of tea".why the whiplash leader reported this to the party instead of trying to sort it out in between. the two of us". them, "he told TECHAHOLIC.

Eustice continued: "He was wrong, he shouldn't have used that kind of language, and the main whip probably should have been talking to him instead of texting him.

Over the weekend, a spokesman for the Tory party said, "The Conservative Party has a robust whistleblowing process. This process is confidential, so whistleblowers can come forward safely." 

Sir Gavin was fired from the post of Secretary of Defense in 2019 following the
leak of sensitive information from the National Security Council. After being appointed Secretary of Education by Boris Johnson, he was again fired from the cabinet in 2021 following controversy over examination scores during the pandemic.

It marks the second major controversy to emerge over Sunak's cabinet appointments, with the prime minister already indicted for appointing Suella Braverman as his interior secretary days after she was fired for security breaches. 

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