Speed dating: Best questions to ask when you've got mere minutes

s we continue to make the most of life after the block, quick dating has seen a surge in popularity. In fact, according to Eventbrite, there were twice as many speed dating events listed on its site this summer as there were two years ago, before the pandemic. But how the hell do you make a good impression when there's almost no time to say hello?

To avoid conversations that make your toes bend, we ask the experts their best icebreaker questions, when you only have a few minutes. The best questions to ask in speed dating. 

Have you ever been to an event like this and what are you looking for?

"This is a good way to find out if someone is genuine in their research," says Karen Mooney, founder of Sara Eden Introductions, the dating and matchmaking agency. "But the 'Have you been to an event like this before?' It's an easier way to get in. " 

"Sometimes people are just looking for a little fun, which is great if you are too, but it will help filter out those people if you're looking for something more serious." 

Alternatively, Rachael Lloyd, relationship expert for dating app eharmony, suggests rephrasing this question as 

"What are your relationship goals?" 

"You better be clear in advance if you share the same," she says.

What is your job? 

"It's a good conversation piece, even if it's not the most original of questions," says Mooney. (which in turn tells you more about their life values). someone). " 

How did you spend last Christmas? 

"This can provide insight into family values ​​and whether they are socially minded or prefer to spend time alone," says Lloyd.

Let's face it, if you're a large family person who likes to be knee-deep with your 25 cousins ​​at Christmas, and would rather jump on a plane to the Maldives to avoid them all, it might be best to cut it out in the bud. When was your last relationship and why did it end?

One of the great things about speed dating is that it's expected (in fact, highly recommended) to get right to the heart of the matter. “So make the most of your three minutes with a research question like this,” says Mooney. "You can find out a lot about someone's communication style and general temperament by asking questions about their relationship history." 

While a question like this would seem too advanced on a "normal" first date, with quick dating, it's more acceptable to skip straight to the juicier questions. 

What's the best thing that happened to you this week?

' so this more specific question is the perfect way to break the ice, ”says Pippa Murphy, a sex and relationship expert at Condoms.uk. "Since the question is quite broad, how answers to your date will help you figure out if I'm a positive person or not. For example, if they choose something small as the" best ", then you know they appreciate the smaller things in the world. life. 

"However, if they have a hard time thinking of an answer, this suggests they may be more of the glass half empty type. Regardless of how they respond, you will gain insight into their current life and whether it is something you could imagine fitting in more. . " 

What do you spend most of your money on?

 Another juicy question, one you could only get away with in a quick dating environment, so make the most of it! "This provides important clues to tax liability and interest," says Lloyd. 

What is a quality you are proud of? 

"This gives you an idea of ​​who I am on a deeper level," says Sami Wunder, dating and relationship coach. It's an opportunity for them to show their best, he says, and "a great question, because it will bring the person to audition for you and bring out the best qualities in him." 

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