What to Eat to Stop Undereating

o you often eat little and are trying to break the habit? Read on to find out what to eat so you can stop. Not eating enough food can be the result of a multitude of different factors. It usually happens when people feel stressed, overwhelmed, or more emotional than usual. These are often the causes of involuntary malnutrition. On the other hand, we also see cases of somehow intentional insufficient nutrition due to dietary restrictions, detoxes and purifications. Whatever the cause is for you, it is important to identify and reverse it in the beginning. This way you can prevent the habit from developing further or break it if it already exists. 


So how do you know if you are overeating? 

Most likely, your body is communicating with you to let you know that it needs more energy than it provides. 

You may feel tired or lethargic, experience dizziness or cognitive problems, or notice hair loss and brittle nails. You may also be very irritable and feel cold all the time. For women in particular, you may also experience a missed period or amenorrhea. If you experience three or more of these symptoms, you may be overeating. 


Try implementing the following 5 steps to start eating based on your body's nutritional needs.

For some reason, fat is often easily forgotten. When I listen to customer memories on our first dates, I often hear meals that sound so amazing, but just don't have any fat. Try to add a source of fat to each of your meals and snacks whenever you can. Fat is the body's most nutrient-rich food source. This means that a small amount packs a big nutritional punch! By simply adding a fat-containing food to your snack or meal, you will significantly increase the amount of energy you get. This means you are one step closer to stopping overeating! 

Think of food sources like oily fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines), nuts, seeds, nut butters, seed butter, avocado, avocado oil, olives, and olive oil for this step. Don't be afraid of carbohydrates 

There is nothing to fear when it comes to carbs or starchy carbs to be more specific. We thrive on them! They provide the brain and red blood cells with the glucose they need to survive and thrive.

When it comes to starchy carbohydrates, people often believe they should be avoided altogether or significantly limited due to all the negative health connotations associated with them. Do we want to be mindful of balance when it comes to processed starchy carbohydrates? Absolutely. But does this mean we want to limit starchy carbohydrates? Absolutely no. This will lead to eating less over time. 

Try to incorporate natural and complex sources of starchy carbohydrates on a regular basis. Think ancient grains (like quinoa, spelled, and amaranth), whole grains, starchy fruits and vegetables (like sweet potatoes, peas, and squash) for this step. 

Pay attention to hunger signs 

Your body uses hunger signals to communicate with you when it needs the most energy and when it has enough. When we listen to these cues and follow them regularly, it is much easier to avoid overeating. On the other hand, when we ignore these signs and try to follow a feeding program or diet, undernourishment is much more frequent. Start by learning the signs of hunger and satiety. Regularly throughout the day, stop and think. How do you feel about hunger? Are you very hungry, a little hungry or happy? And the fullness? Are you very full, slightly full or happy? Once you have an idea of ​​how your signals feel, you can start following them. This is one of the best ways to avoid overeating in the long run. Food first, then caffeine 

Drinks, especially those that contain caffeine, can interfere with those cravings we just talked about. Sometimes they can suppress hunger, even when it's not intentional. Instead of starting the day with coffee first thing in the morning, try breakfast first. This can help prevent coffee from controlling hunger. It's actually a good idea to follow this guideline with most drinks without water. This way you will know that you are satisfying your hunger with food as often as possible! 

Manage stress and overwhelm 

The body is concerned with coping, which can ward off hunger. If you know this is the case, try to get into the habit of practicing stress management regularly. Whether it's a form of journaling, meditation, or movement, it can help minimize the


When it comes to overeating, the key is to first understand what's wrong. Are you intentionally limiting your intake? Do you feel more stressed than usual? Or maybe you are forgetting to add fat to your meals? Once you know what you are missing, you can use these 5 steps to create a balanced and sustainable diet and avoid overeating forever. 


Then find your type of balanced diet!

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