8 Signs Your Body Says You’re Not Eating Enough

Learn to recognize the signs and symptoms your body uses to tell you that you are not eating enough. 

Stress, commitments, illness, pain and the hustle and bustle of everyday life can have an impact on us. More specifically, our appetites and how our bodies regulate hunger. This can often lead to not eating enough. Additionally, many people seeking weight loss often end up involuntarily eating less or limiting themselves to achieve that goal.

Whatever the cause, not eating enough food and depriving your body of important nutrients can manifest itself in ways that wreak havoc on your metabolism and hormones. Both may take longer to show if you have been consistently underfed.


Let's dive in and take a look at the not-so-subtle signs that your body may not be getting enough vital proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and what you can do to increase your food intake with a balanced diet. 

1. Low energy 

If you feel completely drained for several weeks, regardless of how much you sleep or the quality of your sleep, it may be time to reevaluate your diet. When we are constantly undernourished, the body cannot feed itself properly. This can make you feel lethargic and sluggish. We often see this in the case of low-carb diets in particular. Since starchy carbohydrates are the body's main source of fast energy, it makes sense that limiting them can lead to lower-than-ideal energy levels. Take a look at your usual intake in both volume and variety. Are you eating balanced meals that incorporate all the components of the Five Fundamentals? Including starchy carbohydrates? Do you eat when you are hungry and listen to your body's signals? Take a moment to reflect here and see if you can make any changes. 

 Two. Dizziness 

When you don't eat enough, your blood sugar levels can plummet and make you dizzy or pass out. If you get dizzy all the time and can't figure out why, take a look at your food intake. 

For a quick snack, eat something high in carbohydrates and proteins, like a banana with some almond butter, a handful of berries and nuts, or vegetable sticks with some hummus. This combination of carbohydrates and protein will help raise and stabilize your blood sugar levels to boost your energy.

However, if dizziness persists after making these diet and lifestyle changes, talk to your doctor to rule out potential problems.

3. Poor cognition and productivity (eg brain fog) 

Have you ever had forgetful moments where you say things like "Where did I put the keys?" It happens to all of us, but frequent brain fog could be your body's way of telling you to control how you're feeding (i.e. eat more food)! Brain fog can be a sign of various health problems, but it is also one of the key symptoms of not eating enough during the day.

Postponing lunches or breaking normal meal times to attend meetings or answer calls depletes the energy your body needs to keep going. So if it is at 3 p.m. the calm hits hard and you realize you haven't had lunch, this is your cue to go to the kitchen or have a snack.

It's best to stock up on whole foods to the best of your ability. Choose a hearty salad with lots of fresh vegetables, perhaps sweet potatoes, avocado, grilled chicken or your favorite protein and a tasty dressing. Foods rich in B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid, and antioxidants can help boost brain function and prevent cognitive decline (1). Goodbye brain fog.

 Four. Hair loss and brittle nails 

This might surprise you, but if you aren't eating enough food or aren't getting enough nutrients, the higher priority organs will take the lead in getting those nutrients. This includes the brain, heart, and lungs, rather than hair, skin, and nails. The health of your hair, skin and nails is closely related to what you eat and the amount of vitamins and minerals your body absorbs.

It is normal to lose between 50 and 100 strands of hair every day. If you are shedding more strands than usual and your nails seem to break more easily, you may want to focus on nourishing your hair and nails from the inside out.

Start by eating foods that help produce more keratin, the protein that strengthens hair and nails. Spinach, beans, oatmeal, salmon, eggs, and berries are excellent sources of nutrients for hair and nails. Protein, biotin, iron, vitamin B12, and omega-3 fatty acids, in particular, are the best nutrients to help you maintain the thickness, luster, and growth of your crop. 

5. Irritable mood 

The coat hanger is a real thrill! If you're battling a busy day and rushing out the door without breakfast, your blood sugar and mood can be affected. So when you haven't eaten anything, irritability can be one of the first noticeable side effects of not eating enough food. The best way to prevent withdrawal is to eat regular meals and nutritious snacks. When you feel the first sign of hunger approaching, don't let it go! Listen to it and have a meal or snack, depending on how hungry you are so that you feel your best against the cranky, cranky version.

6. Feel cold 

Do you get chills all the time? You have to consume a significant amount of food to keep your body warm while performing other bodily functions. If you don't eat enough, you may not be able to perform thermogenesis efficiently, which is a process that helps your body generate heat. Women who are also underweight or low in body fat may develop "fuzzy" hair (also known as fluff), as a way for their bodies to cope with heat loss. When your body doesn't have enough body fat to warm up, it can grow fluff to help trap heat. It is common in people with anorexia nervosa or in extremely thin people.

7. constant thirst 

Making sure you're eating enough is actually a way to monitor hydration levels. Many of the electrolytes you get from food affect thirst. These include sodium, potassium and magnesium. If you are still thirsty after drinking a glass of water, it is a red flag that you may not be getting enough calories. Sometimes your body can even mistake thirst for hunger and distract you from the water bottle. Just remember to aim for moisturizing drinks like caffeine-free tea, sugar-free carbonated seltzer, and good water.

8. Amenorrhea 

Amenorrhea is the scientific term for the lack of a period. Women can miss periods for a variety of reasons, including pregnancy, dietary changes, and stress. Sometimes certain medications you take, including birth control, can also affect your cycle. Specific health conditions such as hypothyroidism and polycystic ovary syndrome can also affect hormone levels and thus cycle as well.

Amenorrhea can also occur if you don't eat enough and are low in body fat or are underweight (about 10 percent below your "normal" weight), which is different for each of us. Being underweight can stop ovulation and cause abnormal changes in your hormones, which is why some women with disordered eating habits or women who are high-performance athletes can often miss their periods.

In some cases, their bodies also don't get enough nutrients to perform normal bodily functions. The female athlete triad is basically an interconnected cycle that includes low energy intake, amenorrhea, and low bone density. This is most often seen in athletes trying to maintain a certain level of "lean" for a particular sport, such as figure skating, ballet, gymnastics, or others. 


The most important aspect of this article is being aware and in tune with yourself and your body's ability to show you signs that something may be wrong. Use these 8 signs and symptoms to check yourself and determine whether or not you need to use a little more energy. 

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